The SUO is a vital first step in dealing with waste water discharges. The SUO provides the legal authority to condition or prohibit discharges, to control discharges through permitting, to require periodic reports, to inspect non-domestic facilities and to take enforcement action.
Factors that should be regulated in a sewer use ordinance include:
Designate who is responsible for enforcement.
Define the area that the ordinance governs.
Define the type of buildings that are affected.
Explain the consequences for not following the ordinance.
Give provisions for private wastewater disposal.
Define policy for building sewers and connections.
Give provisions for public usage of sewers.
Define parameters for metals and other harmful contaminants.
Define misuse and abuse.
Define the authority of the inspectors of the sewers.
Explain the penalties associated with violations of the ordinance.
Define fats, oils and grease programs and their provisions
Below are some model sewer use ordinances that can be used to create or enhance a sewer use ordinance. Keep in mind when reviewing these that plumbing and building codes may vary, particularly from state-to-state.
US EPA has a model SUO available here.
The Minnesota Rural Water Association has created a sample SUO, available here.